Thursday, 27 September 2012

The Good Samaritan - a challenge

So I was reading the Parable of the Good Samaritan the other day. I'm sure you've heard it before - but quick recap - man gets beaten up, then a Priest and a Levite (who you would expect to give some help) busy themselves with excuses and cross to the other side of the road. Then a Samaritan (a race who were enemies with the Jews) stops and helps him - bandaging his wounds and paying for his full recovery.

When reading this parable, I had a feeling of sick recognition of both the Priest and the Levite in me. So hears a challenge I wrote, for me and anyone who feels the same way!

What is it that turns us to the other side?
When we see pain and shrug our shoulders,
Or see an opportunity and march swiftly on.
Is it our pride?
Is it our business?
Self-obsession or fear?
Dellusion, commitments, self-importance, self-hatred?
You hear the voice, calling 'help him', 'give that', 'speak now'.
How about not turning to the other side?
What about obeying?


  1. wow pretty intense. That's like defying our human nature. pretty challenging stuff! But all possible in Gods strength. :)
