Saturday, 26 May 2012

Leaving School

Colours soar through the open door
Grass and sun and study study study,
Time hurtles by
                                 without permission

Exams and deadlines and pressures,
All the while trying to squeeze
Out every moment

Every smile, every embrace, every laugh
Is tainted with a sense that
We are running out of time.

But in all of this choas,
All of this excitement,
All of this trepidation,
All of this panic,
You are.

You are constant, unchanging,
present then, now and forever more,
You plant my feet on your rock,
And lead me on
You are the Prince of Peace,
And I will trust in you

'Cast your anxieties onto him, because he cares for you'
1 Peter 5v7


  1. You summed it up PERFECTLY! (Loving the enjambment there: 'without permission', and the repetition for emphasis!) hehe.

    Gina X

  2. Abbie you have a blog!!!! Ahh so cool!! :-D I love this sums up everything right now. Can't wait to see what else comes out of this beautiful space x

  3. Abs, I love love love the blog!! And I'm sad about leaving school too but this poem is encouraging- God is our only constant! xx

    1. P.S. Your blog header is amazing. Seriously incredible photography! x
